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One of the basic aims of education, including geographic education, was and still is to create conditions for the pupil to achieve success according to their abilities. For these purposes to be met, the roles and functions of the assessment should be interpreted correctly. Assessment is a difficult and complex competence. Its multidimensionality is related to the teacher’s skills and his knowledge of the goals and principles of assessment. In modern education, including geographical education, we can more and more often encounter formative assessment. This is a kind of assessment in which both the student and the teacher receive feedback on their learning progress. On this basis, the process of teaching and learning is assessed. In the opinion of many specialists and teachers, including geographers, this kind of assessment allows for more effective and more effective education. The student knows how to rationally overcome difficulties. The study presents the results of surveys that covered the students of selected primary schools in Krakow (from September 2017, 8-year primary school) in September 2018. The aim of the study was to obtain students’ opinions on formative assessment and a look at the current assessment system in the light of changes in education. The obtained data allowed to show the formative assessment from the students’ perspective. Geography is the subject of teaching, in which not only the results of work are assessed, but also the contribution of work, interests and attitudes.
Jednym z podstawowych celów edukacji, w tym edukacji geograficznej, było i jest nadal stworzenie uczniowi takich warunków, by mógł osiągać sukces na miarę swoich zdolności. By cele te zostały spełnione należy prawidłowo interpretować role i funkcje oceny. Ocenianie jest kompetencją trudną i złożoną. Jej wielowymiarowość jest związana z umiejętnościami nauczyciela oraz jego znajomością celów i zasad oceniania. We współczesnej edukacji, także geograficznej coraz częściej możemy spotkać się z ocenianiem kształtującym. To rodzaj oceniania, w którym zarówno uczeń, jak i nauczyciel otrzymują zwrotną informację o postępach w osiągnieciach. Na tej podstawie ocenia się przebieg procesu kształcenia. W opinii wielu specjalistów i nauczycieli, w tym geografów, taki rodzaj oceniania pozwala na skuteczniejsze i bardziej efektywne kształcenie. Uczeń wie, w jaki sposób racjonalnie przezwyciężać trudności.W opracowaniu zaprezentowano wyniki badań sondażowych, którymi objęto uczniów wybranych krakowskich szkół podstawowych (od września 2017 r. 8-letniej szkoły podstawowej) we wrześniu 2018 r. Celem badania było uzyskanie opinii uczniów na temat oceniania kształtującego oraz spojrzenia na obecny system oceniania w świetle zmian w edukacji. Uzyskane dane pozwoliły na ukazanie oceniania kształtującego z perspektywy uczniów. Geografia, to przedmiot nauczania, w którym ocenie podlegają nie tylko wyniki pracy, ale także wkład pracy, zainteresowania i postawy.
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Gry miejskie jako innowacyjne produkty turystyczne

Urban games and other forms of field games, such as Questing, are innovative ideas for presentation, disclosure and interpretation of natural and cultural heritage. The results of the survey presented in the study show that soon urban games can become an alternative to a traditional guided sightseeing of an urban area. There may be several reasons for such a choice: an interesting way of exploring a city, aspects of play and physical activity, better memorization of information, as well as the possibility of being independent from guide’s preferences, self-activity and taking the paths other than the ones which are popular among tourists. A well-prepared urban game is a part of the particular trend in tourism based on entertainment, emotions, education and engagement (4×e). Players become active participants in the adventure directed by the organizers, however, they solve the tasks using their own ideas and variants of routes. In Poland, urban games are used mainly in cognitive and business tourism based on integration parties and team building activities. The current offer of urban games on the tourism market in our country is limited. Examples of this particular form of sightseeing have been observed mostly in the biggest Polish cities. By monitoring the availability of individual events, their constant changing and adjusting to customers’ preferences can be noticed. The growing number of urban games introduced in Poland is not followed by the increase in tourists’ awareness that it is possible to use this form of city sightseeing. The source of knowledge about urban games is mainly the information provided by other people, as well as the Internet.
The author reveals previously unknown details of the Nałkowskis’ family life which affected the development of Wacław’s character and his interests. These details were also decisive as factors which influenced his scientific and social commitment. Social relationships of his parents and their affinities were also analyzed in order to explain the origins of his worldview. Wacław’s combative nature was already developed in the Russian school, where every symptom of Polish patriotism as well as all forms of free thought were punished. Many questions concerning Nałkowski’s activities can be explained by his experiences from his student days and by the atmosphere at home, where most of his works were written, and where numerous debates and meetings with the representatives of the Polish scientific and patriotic circles were held. The article was composed with the use of the unique source materials collected in the Nałkowskis’ Family Museum in Wołomin, and the memoires of Zofia Nałkowska, the well-known writer and scientist’s daughter.
The article is inspired by Wacław Nałkowski’s writings and is a reflection on the nature of geography and its place in the system of knowledge. Moreover, the author considers the status of geography and its social relevance. The article seeks to justify the thesis that the low prestige of geography in social consciousness is an outcome of the attitudes of scholars and teachers of geography themselves, the media propaganda and also the state policy. The main objective of the paper is to verify these theses. The first part of the paper is devoted to the status of geography as a science. The author argues that contemporary perception of the essence of geography, understood as a loose compilation of physical and human disciplines, is quite different than the unified, holistic and humanistic concept of Nałkowski. The problems of geographical education are also emphasized, since the misunderstanding of geography as a science is being transferred into the sphere of education, influencing the school curricula and handbooks. In conclusion, the author proves that for the improvement in the area of geography’s social relevance, the restoration of the forgotten ideas of Wacław Nałkowski is essential.
Although the very term “constructivism” appeared rather recently, its concept was knownin science long before now. According to modern cognitive psychology, the reality is created individually in person’s mind. An individual transforms and interprets the flow of information which he receives in his own way, depending on cultural, social, biological or situational context. Nałkowski’s statements concerning perception and thinking from the beginning of the twentieth century, connected with the idea of “rational geography”, were mainly based on intuition, but can serve as the evidence of his broad psychological and pedagogical competence. They see m to be conformable with the principles of constructivism and can be useful nowadays, especially in approaches relative to the so-called emancipatory pedagogy. The main objective of the paper is to assess the Nałkowski’s principles of geographical teaching from the point of view of the concept of constructivism as the modern educational approach.
Zrozumienie, opanowanie i zastosowanie nowych pomysłów w dydaktyce geografii to prawdziwy krok w kierunku osiągnięcia wysokiego poziomu profesjonalizmu w edukacji geograficznej w Bułgarii. Taki profesjonalizm według nas oznacza trzy rzeczy: opartą na nauce (nie tylko intuicyjną) działalność zawodową, wysokie i trwałe rezultaty, wyraźne pozytywne nastawienie do niej. Podejście takie jest niezbędne jako podstawa w rozwiązywaniu bieżących problemów bułgarskiej edukacji geograficznej o różnym charakterze: w przygotowaniu i kwalifikacji kadr; w opracowywaniu dokumentacji badań geograficznych i ekonomicznych; w opacowywaniu programów badawczych i projektów w praktyce szkolnej. Niewątpliwie musimy opierać się na zasadach dydaktyki – jej teorii i metodologii, ponieważ jest to punkt wyjścia do twórczego rozwiązywania problemów lub realizacji przyszłych zadań edukacji geograficznej. W tym kontekście, w obliczu coraz bardziej zlożonych nowoczesnych zadań publicznych i postaw wobec edukacji, konieczna jest stosowna interpretacja dydaktyki geografii jako nauki. Przedkladamy naszą wizję na: jej istotę, przedmiot i zagadnienia; miejsce wśród nauk; zadania naukowe i metody badań. Przedstawiamy kierunki rozwoju i potencjał naukowy.
Understanding, mastering and applying new ideas in geography didactics is the most proper way to achieve a high professionalism in geography education in Bulgaria. Such professionalism implies three prerequisites: a scientifically based (and not only intuitive) professional activity, high and sustainable results and a clear positive attitude towards it. The high professionalism is the required basis for successful solving the current problems of Bulgarian geography education which are of different nature: training and further qualification of working staff, preparation of needed school documentation for thematic subject “Geography and Economy” and the design of research programs and projects in school practice. Undoubtedly, we have to explore the foundations of didactics (its theory and methodology) because it is the starting point for creative problem solving or the implementation of upcoming geography educational tasks. In this context, and against the background of the increasingly higher modern public demands and attitudes towards education, it is necessary to interpret the geography didactics as a science in a new, modern way. In presented paper are examined the essence, subject matter and main issues of geography didactics; scientific tasks and research methods and its place among other sciences. It is also important to outline thetrends of development and scientific potential of geography didactics.
Images are widely used in education. This is justified by both psychology and didactics. In the course of teaching–learning visual perception is usually a process intended, planned and undertaken for a specific purpose, leading to the development of observation skills. This is one of the basic methods for testing and understanding of natural phenomena and processes. Progress that a pupil makes in the course of the development of perceptual processes leads to the formation in the mind of a fuller picture of reality. The author tries to make the assessment of images used in the teaching–learning of geography and Natural Science.
Obrazy posiadają szerokie zastosowanie w edukacji. Ma to swoje uzasadnienie zarówno psychologiczne, jak i dydaktyczne. W toku nauczania–uczenia się spostrzeganie wzrokowe z reguły jest procesem zamierzonym, planowanym, podjętym w określonym celu. Prowadzi do kształtowania umiejętności obserwacji, a ta jest jedną z podstawowych metod badania oraz zrozumienia zjawisk i procesów przyrodniczych. Postępy, jakie uczeń czyni w toku rozwoju procesów percepcji, prowadzą do kształtowania w umyśle coraz pełniejszego obrazu rzeczywistości. Autor dokonał oceny środków obrazowych wykorzystywanych w procesie nauczania–uczenia się geografii i przyrody.
It is worth a while to consider the reality of being a teacher in light of accepted ethical and ecological standards, while taking into account new professional qualifications of a teacher. The current challenges that are becoming a vital part of education are at the same time worrisome and a source of hope. It can be observed that the previous pedagogical work often instrumentalizes a young person, who begins his work as a teacher, so as to achieve political and economic objectives, and to perform specific fixed tasks.
Warto podjąć próbę zmierzenia się z rzeczywistością w kontekście realiów przyjętych norm etycznych i ekologicznych biorąc pod uwagę wyposażenie nauczyciela w nowy profil kwalifikacji zawodowych. Obecne wyzwania, które zostają skutecznie wdrażane w edukację, budzą obawy przed potencjalnym zagrożeniem, ale też wyzwalają pewne nadzieje. Daje się zaobserwować, że ówczesna praca pedagogiczna instrumentalizuje często młodego człowieka, stawiającego pierwsze kroki w roli nauczyciela–przedmiotowca, wychowawcy, do osiągnięcia konkretnych celów politycznych, ekonomicznych oraz pełnienia specjalnych wytyczonych zadań.
Although Poland has gone through a period of many various trials regarding the introduction of different changes in the educational system (involving everything from types of schools, through levels of teaching, changes in curricula for each school subject, syllabuses and textbooks, to the modification of teaching aims and content for each subject), very little, in fact, has been done to promote the necessary remodelling of work that would ensure the shaping of a truly modern teacher. The author of this article has been conducting research on the development of subject specific and didactic competence of geography teacher trainees for over ten years. Personal and interpersonal competencies of graduates of higher education significantly affect their chances on the labour market. A profile of the graduate should also help potential employers choose competent employees. Information provided in the profile of the graduate enables employers to check whether during the course of studies the potential employee developed the desired skills. The author of this paper believes that acquisition of the appropriate competences by geography students – candidates for teachers – constitutes the most important element of professional training of future teachers, including geography teachers. The subject of the research presented in this paper is the evaluation of professional competence in the field of the socioeconomic system of the contemporary world. Research in this area should successfully contribute to the optimization of the teacher-training process, including geography teacher-training, and to the development of an effective and efficient model of teacher-training and competence acquisition.
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