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The educational reform in 1999 introduced external examinations into the Polish system of education. The examinations are carried out on the basis of educational standards for individual subjects and subject groups. External examinations, especially new Matura examination, changed diametrically previous solutions which is a challenge to teachers, students and parents. Being frequently chosen by students out of the group of optional subjects, geography has a large contribution to Matura overall results. Therefore, a question arises what makes young people decide to take Matura examination in geography. The study shows the results of a survey carried out among those Matura grade students who chose geography for Matura in 2012. The gathered results also allowed to estimate how the alterations introduced by Ministry of Education into the procedures of examination subjects’ choice influence students’ choice in relation to geography.
The term innovation appears frequently in various contexts. In recent years we have experienced an increase in publications on pedagogical innovations in geography education. This increase in interest in this topic stems from many factors. The significant changes include economic, social and cultural and the search for new concept of education. The aim of his study was to identify sources of pedagogical innovations and their impact on geography curriculum. The first part shows the understanding of the term innovation in pedagogy. Then, an analysis of sources of innovation in teaching geography was conducted. The second part shows the results of the analysis and evaluation of the impact of analyzed sources of innovation on geography curriculum and textbooks.
Termin innowacja pojawia się często w różnych kontekstach. W ostatnich latach obserwujemy wzrost liczby publikacji o innowacjach pedagogicznych w dydaktyce geografii. Zainteresowanie tą tematyką wynika z wielu czynników. Do istotnych należą zachodzące zmiany społeczno-gospodarcze i kulturowe, rozwój geografii oraz poszukiwanie nowych koncepcji kształcenia. Celem podjętego studium było rozpoznanie źródeł innowacji pedagogicznych oraz ich wpływu na treści programowe i ich egzemplifikacje w podręcznikach szkolnych do geografii. Dokonano analizy i oceny programów nauczania geografii i wybranych podręczników. We wprowadzeniu przedstawiono rozumienie pojęcia innowacji w pedagogice, a następnie dokonano analizy wybranych źródeł innowacji w nauczaniu geografii. W drugiej części przedstawiono wyniki analizy i oceny wpływu wyróżnionych źródeł innowacji na zmiany programów nauczania geografii i podręczników szkolnych.
The study shows the role of professor Jan Flis in the development of geography education in the post-war era. His academic input into the discipline is expressed in 134 publications, out of which 40 concern the topic of the didactics of geography. Professor’s interest in the field of geography education focused on: the selection and structure of geographical material, forming of theories in teaching and learning geography, function of geography in education and cognitive development, education of geography teachers, and chosen aspects of teaching at higher education institutions (universities).
In time of Wacław Nałkowski’s studies in Kraków (1871–1876), the chair of geography at the Jagiellonian University did not exist. Despite this, in addition to mathematics, astronomy and physics, he attended lectures in geography, astronomy and cartography. Geographical learning opportunities within the Faculty of Philosophy were enabled there as early as1765, thanks to the reform of the University made by Hugo Kołłątaj. In late 1811 and 1812among 12 departments in the Faculty of Philosophy there was the Chair of History and Universal Geography as well as the Chair of Astronomy. At this time the first Polish physical geographical handbook was issued. That was a very innovative textbook in mathematical and physical geography elaborated by Jan Śniadecki, which was used until the end of the nineteenth century. In 1849 there was an adjustment of the organizational structure of the Faculty of Philosophy. As a result, the Chair of Natural History was divided into the chairs o geology, zoology and geography. The latter was taken by Wincenty Pol, who taught geography of Eastern Europe, the Austrian Monarchy and the Holy Land. He also had courses in physical geography and commercial geography, which later gave rise to human geography. The suppression of the autonomy of the University on September 30, 1852, and winding up of the Chair of Geography in January 1853 completed the first period of formal development of geography as an academic discipline in Poland. Academic activity of W. Pol caused, however, that geography became gradually noticed and recognized as an independent area of knowledge and the academic discipline.
The aim of this study was to present the variety of educational services in small towns of Małopolskie and Podkarpackie voivodeships. Performance of educational services is determined by numerous factors, of which the key ones are: economic and social policy, rules governing the funding of education and demographic processes. Education is a public service aimed at particular citizen groups (children, youth, adults) or at the society itself. The maim methods used in study was analysis of statistic data and structural coefficient and profiles of educational services. The first part of this paper deals with the condition and structure of the system in consideration to the types of schools and number of students affected by demographic changes in the region. The second part is an analysis of educational profiles in secondary schools in small cities with relation to their local job market and the economic advancement of the regions. The paper contains a juxtaposition of barriers and opportunities for the development of educational services in the analysed towns.
In the last years we observe changes occurring in the approach to teachers’ training. Unfortunately, they most often have the administrative character, resulting among others from the accepted three-stage model of study, teacher training standards and the National Qualification Framework. Simultaneously, the demand for graduates of teaching studies decreases from the side of education. The aim of research review was to determine motives of teaching training choice by current students of geography. Investigations were carried out among students of teaching studies of the first degree (Bachelor) and the second degree (MSc) in the Pedagogical University in Cracow, University of Silesia in Sosnowiec and Nicolaus Copernicus University in Toruń. In these higher education schools are realized different models of training of geography teaching, what allowed to obtain representative results for the motives of choice of teaching training. The study was conducted by means of questionnaire method. The research group consisted of 914 persons including 507 second-year undergraduate students and 471 postgraduates (Master’s degree). The attempt to diagnose the circumstances of this choice and typology of motives was distinguished. Teacher training studies choose mostly women and students living in village. The most frequently motives of teaching studies were those of internal group like: interest for pedagogical work, interest to work with children and possibility of permanent training. At the same time, revealed to a greater impact factors of the external group of a structural nature: privilege of professional, additional qualifications and free course. There has been observed differences in referenced motives in relation to the gender and universities.
W ostatnich latach obserwujemy dokonujące się zmiany w podejściu do kształcenia nauczycieli. Niestety, najczęściej mają one charakter administracyjny, wynikający z przyjętego trzystopniowego modelu studiów, standardów kształcenia nauczycieli oraz Krajowych Ram Kwalifikacji. Równocześnie maleje zapotrzebowanie na absolwentów studiów nauczycielskich. Celem podjętych badań przeglądowych było ustalenie motywów, którymi kierują się obecnie studenci geografii wybierając kształcenie nauczycielskie. Badania dostarczyły faktów o podobieństwach, różnicach i związkach dotyczących okoliczności wyboru geograficznego kształcenia nauczycielskiego, dając podstawę do weryfikacji funkcjonującej w literaturze typologii motywów. Badania ankietowe przeprowadzono wśród studentów nauczycielskich studiów I stopnia (licencjackich) i II stopnia (studiów magisterskich) w trzech ośrodkach akademickich: Uniwersytecie Pedagogicznym w Krakowie, Uniwersytecie Śląskim w Sosnowcu oraz Uniwersytecie Mikołaja Kopernika w Toruniu. W uczelniach tych są realizowane różne modele kształcenia nauczycieli geografii. Grupa badawcza liczyła 914 osób, wśród których było 507 studentów studiów licencjackich i 471 studentów studiów drugiego stopnia – magisterskich. Nauczycielskie kształcenie geograficzne wybierają głownie kobiety oraz osoby ze wsi i małych miast. Najczęściej wskazywanymi motywami wyboru nauczycielskich studiów geograficznych były te z grupy motywów wewnętrznych, tj.: zamiłowanie do pracy pedagogicznej, zamiłowanie do pracy z dziećmi, możliwości stałego dokształcania się. Jednocześnie ujawniły się w większym stopniu wpływ czynników z grupy zewnętrznych o charakterze strukturalnym – np. przywileje tej grupy zawodowej, dodatkowe kwalifikacje, bezpłatny kurs. Odnotowano różnice w deklaracji motywów w odniesieniu do płci badanych, jak i poszczególnych ośrodków akademickich. W oparciu o zebrane dane dokonano weryfikacji typologii motywów wyboru zawodu nauczyciela geografii, szczególnie w grupie czynników zewnętrznych.
The study shows the evolution of plans of teaching and curriculums of geography studies at the Pedagogical University of Cracow (former Wyższa Szkoła Pedagogiczna) in Cracow in 1946–2001. On the basis of literature and their own research, the authors distinguished some stages of changes introduced into geography-teachers training, taking into account formal and curricular aspects and professor Jan Flis’ contribution to the notion of geography-teachers’ training. The first chapter illustrates the changes that have taken place at the Cracow’s University in the last 65 years in the area of plans and curricula of geography teachers’ training courses. It constitutes a background for the idea Jan Flis had for teaching geographers and geography teachers, which is presented in the second chapter. The introduction of fieldwork into the curriculum of teacher training and the issue of the pedagogic content of the training were discussed in great detail. Additionally, the question that was strongly stressed was that of professional training for students that balances factual content (of geography as a science) with pedagogical content, geography didactics and practical education within internships served by students at schools,.Finally, the third chapter relates to the developed theories of geography-teachers training in relation to the contemporary challenges we face. Taking into consideration training course for geography teachers, it is exceptionally justified to examine its conception in light of cultural, socio-economic and political changes that continuously occur.
Structural and program changes introduced in the education system in Poland in recent years have left their mark on the place and position of geography in the school system. New program solutions of 2009, which introduced majoring at the high school level, have caused significant changes in teaching of geography. Not much data can be found about realization of these structural changes in school reality. The report on the geography teaching, prepared in 2008 by the Geographic Education Committee of the Polish Geographical Society, does not reflect the significant changes of 2009 occurring in school geography. The authors present results of their research conducted among teachers of geography in lower secondary schools. Teachers answered questions about: the curriculum and its content; difficulties in geography teaching; teaching aids; forms and methods used in geography teaching. The authors also analyzed formal qualifications of teachers for teaching geography and their job seniority.
Zmiany strukturalne i programowe wprowadzone w systemie kształcenia w Polsce w ostatnich latach nie pozostały bez wpływu na miejsce i pozycję geografii w systemie szkolnym. Nowe rozwiązania programowe z 2009 r., wprowadzające profilowanie w szkołach ponadgimnazjalnych, dokonały istotnych zmian w nauczaniu geografii także w gimnazjum. Niewiele jest informacji o tym, jak są one realizowane w praktyce. Opracowany przez Komisję Edukacji Geograficznej PTG w 2008 r. Raport o stanie geografii szkolnej nie uwzględniał tych zmian. W niniejszym opracowaniu przedstawiono wyniki badań ankietowych przeprowadzonych wśród nauczycieli geografii w gimnazjum. Nauczyciele odpowiadali na pytania dotyczące podstawy programowej i zakresu jej treści, trudności w nauczaniu geografii, wyposażenia w środki dydaktyczne do nauczania przedmiotu oraz stosowanych przez nich form i metod kształcenia. Autorki analizowały również posiadane kwalifikacje nauczycieli do nauczania geografii oraz ich staż pracy w zawodzie.
World Youth Day is religious event based on the meeting of young Catholics in the place which was choice. During it young people from all over the world spend their time praying and meetings with the pope. The Pope John Paul II was the initiator of this form of pilgrimage for young people in 1985 year. So far, 14 WYD have taken place. Poland in 2016 year was the organizer for the second time. They took place in Krakow on 26-31 July and gathered 2.5–3 million people. The aim of the study is to explore the impact of the World Youth Day for economic and social development of Cracow and the surrounding area. The results has shown that WYD contributed to the growth of tourist traffic in the city about 20.9% (an increase of 2 million people) compared to 2015 and the city’s income (1.35% GDP). The reconstruction of communication infrastructure, including between the Wieliczka-Niepołomice zones, has accelerated the development of the Wieliczka Economic Activity Zone. In addition, the Misericordiae Campus was created in Brzegi and the sport recreation area too. The research used available statistical data, information bulletins, local and national dailies, a literature query on the subject.
Światowe Dni Młodzieży (World Youth Day) to wydarzenie o cechach pielgrzymki, gromadzące w jednym miejscu młodych ludzi z całego świata, spędzających czas na modlitwie i spotkaniach z papieżem. Idea ŚDM została zapoczątkowana przez papieża Jana Pawła II w 1985 r. Odbyło się już 14 takich wydarzeń o zasięgu międzynarodowym. Polska po raz drugi była organizatorem ŚDM. Odbyły się one w Krakowie w dniach 26–31 lipca 2016 r. i zgromadziły wg szacunków 2,5–3 mln osób. Celem opracowania było ustalenie oddziaływania Światowych Dni Młodzieży na wybrane aspekty rozwoju społecznego i gospodarczego Krakowa i okolic. Analiza wykazała, że ŚDM przyczyniły się do wzrostu ruchu turystycznego w mieście o 20,9% (ponad 2 mln osób) w stosunku do 2015 r. i dochodów miasta o 1,35% PKB. Rozbudowa infrastruktury komunikacyjnej, w tym między strefami Wieliczka-Niepołomice, przyspieszyły rozwój Wielickiej Strefy Aktywności Gospodarczej w Brzegach. Ponadto, w Brzegach powstał Campus Misericordiae oraz tereny rekreacyjne z kąpieliskiem. W badaniach wykorzystano dostępne materiały statystyczne, biuletyny informacyjne, krakowskie i ogólnopolskie dzienniki oraz kwerendę literatury przedmiotu.
A textbook plays an important role in modernization of the teaching process and in the achievement of set teaching objectives. From a didactic perspective, very important is the structure of contents that activates a school student via e.g. a set of didactic tasks. It seems important in the context of developing self-study and long-life learning skills of school students. Self-study becomes a necessity in the modern society due to technological advancement and constantly growing requirements of the labour market. The purpose of the research was to determine the degree to which the contents and didactic tasks contained in contemporary geography textbooks facilitate the development of subject-specific skills and key competences. The degree of overcoming deeply-rooted traditional methods of teaching geography to school students and the extent to which the proposed teaching solutions serve as a source of educational innovation for teachers. The research covered 7 out of 11 geography textbooks approved by the Ministry of National Education (MEN) for the first class of lower secondary schools.
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