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w słowach kluczowych:  parabolic system
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Time-optimal boundary control of an infinite order parabolic system with time lags

In this paper the time-optimal boundary control problem is presented for a distributed infinite order parabolic system in which time lags appear in the integral form both in the state equation and in the boundary condition. Some specific properties of the optimal control are discussed.
In this paper, the time-optimal boundary control problem for a distributed parabolic system in which time lags appear in integral form in both the state equation and the boundary condition is presented. Some particular properties of optimal control are discussed.
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Abstract parabolic problem with non-Lipschitz nonlinearity

An abstract parabolic equation with sectorial operator and continuous nonlinearity is studied in this paper. In particular, the asymptotic behavior of solutions is described within the framework of the theory of global attractors. Examples included in the final part of the paper illustrate the presented ideas.
We consider a nonlinear evolution inclusion driven by an m-accretive operator which generates an equicontinuous nonlinear semigroup of contractions. We establish the existence of extremal integral solutions and we show that they form a dense, $G_δ$-subset of the solution set of the original Cauchy problem. As an application, we obtain "bang-bang"' type theorems for two nonlinear parabolic distributed parameter control systems.
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