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w słowach kluczowych:  Tychonoff topology
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On orthogonally additive injections and surjections

Let \(E\) be a real inner product space of dimension at least 2 and \(V\) a linear topological Hausdorff space. If \(\operatorname{card}E\leq \operatorname{card} V\), then the set of all orthogonally additive injections mapping \(E\) into \(V\) is dense in the space of all orthogonally additive functions from \(E\) into \(V\) with the Tychonoff topology. If \(\operatorname{card}V\leq \operatorname{card}E\), then the set of all orthogonally additive surjections mapping \(E\) into \(V\) is dense in the space of all orthogonally additive functions from \(E\) into \(V\) with the Tychonoff topology.
We show that the solution to the orthogonal additivity problem in real inner product spaces depends continuously on the given function and provide an application of this fact.
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On Orthogonally Additive Functions With Big Graphs

Let E be a separable real inner product space of dimension at least 2 and V be a metrizable and separable linear topological space. We show that the set of all orthogonally additive functions mapping E into V and having big graphs is dense in the space of all orthogonally additive functions from E into V with the Tychonoff topology.
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