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Permutations which make transitive groups primitive

Open Mathematics
tom 7
nr 4
In this article we look into characterizing primitive groups in the following way. Given a primitive group we single out a subset of its generators such that these generators alone (the so-called primitive generators) imply the group is primitive. The remaining generators ensure transitivity or comply with specific features of the group. We show that, other than the symmetric and alternating groups, there are infinitely many primitive groups with one primitive generator each. These primitive groups are certain Mathieu groups, certain projective general and projective special linear groups, and certain subgroups of some affine special linear groups.
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Motivated by applications in linear dynamical systems, the author studies q^n(f), where q is the operator f●(d/dx) and qn is its n-th iteration. q^n(f) is a polynomial F(f(0),f(1),...,f(n)) in the derivatives f(0)=f,...,f(n) of f with integer coefficients. Special attention is paid to determining the coefficients of F. The author presents algorithms for computing the coefficients and also shows that the sum of all coefficients of F equals n!. The paper ends with some remarks on the number of coefficients of F, which is related to the number-theoretic unrestricted partition function.
Compositions and partitions of positive integers are often studied in separate frameworks where partitions are given by q-series generating functions and compositions exhibiting specific patterns are designated by generating functions for these patterns. Here, we view compositions as alternating sequences of weakly increasing and strictly decreasing partitions (i.e. alternating blocks). We obtain generating functions for the number of such partitions in terms of the size of the composition, the number of parts and the total number of “valleys” and “peaks”. From this, we find the total number of “peaks” and “valleys” in the composition of n which have the mentioned pattern. We also obtain the generating function for compositions which split into just two partition blocks. Finally, we obtain the two generating functions for compositions of n that start either with a weakly increasing partition or a strictly decreasing partition.
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