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w słowach kluczowych:  Jacobian conjecture
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Monodromy, differential equations and the Jacobian conjecture

We study certain problems on polynomial mappings related to the Jacobian conjecture.
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Non-zero constant Jacobian polynomial maps of $ℂ²$

We study the behavior at infinity of non-zero constant Jacobian polynomial maps f = (P,Q) in ℂ² by analyzing the influence of the Jacobian condition on the structure of Newton-Puiseux expansions of branches at infinity of level sets of the components. One of the results obtained states that the Jacobian conjecture in ℂ² is true if the Jacobian condition ensures that the restriction of Q to the curve P = 0 has only one pole.
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A characterization of p-bases of rings of constants

We obtain two equivalent conditions for m polynomials in n variables to form a p-basis of a ring of constants of some polynomial K-derivation, where K is a unique factorization domain of characteristic p > 0. One of these conditions involves Jacobians while the other some properties of factors. In the case m = n this extends the known theorem of Nousiainen, and we obtain a new formulation of the Jacobian conjecture in positive characteristic.
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