Although Poland has gone through a period of many various trials regarding the introduction of different changes in the educational system (involving everything from types of schools, through levels of teaching, changes in curricula for each school subject, syllabuses and textbooks, to the modification of teaching aims and content for each subject), very little, in fact, has been done to promote the necessary remodelling of work that would ensure the shaping of a truly modern teacher. The author of this article has been conducting research on the development of subject specific and didactic competence of geography teacher trainees for over ten years. Personal and interpersonal competencies of graduates of higher education significantly affect their chances on the labour market. A profile of the graduate should also help potential employers choose competent employees. Information provided in the profile of the graduate enables employers to check whether during the course of studies the potential employee developed the desired skills. The author of this paper believes that acquisition of the appropriate competences by geography students – candidates for teachers – constitutes the most important element of professional training of future teachers, including geography teachers. The subject of the research presented in this paper is the evaluation of professional competence in the field of the socioeconomic system of the contemporary world. Research in this area should successfully contribute to the optimization of the teacher-training process, including geography teacher-training, and to the development of an effective and efficient model of teacher-training and competence acquisition.