We give readers of [Annales Societatis Mathematicae Polonae, Series III] Mathematica Applicanda the sequence number (Mathematica Applicanda for short). It appears in an extraordinary moment. Let us look at the cover. Its content is a visible justification of the claim that the moment is unique. There are a number of factors. The first one is that the magazine has been published for 40 years. The next one, the publisher has noted that readers' expectations have changed and, by the resolution of April 2011, decided that the magazine will be available in the Internet as the main issue. During the implementation of this resolution, it appears that, by the ISSN regulation, the on line version of the journal should be a separate one. It turned out that we create a new magazine linked to the existing print version of [Annales Societatis Mathematicae Polonae, Series III], Matematyka Stosowana. If new, it has a new name: [Annales Societatis Mathematicae Polonae, Series III], Mathematica Applicanda - mathematics which will be used. Following another publisher's resolution the editorial board has been cut down. The method of appointment of the editorial board member, the tenure and size, has been declared. Matematyka Stosowana by 2011 had four editors (Marceli Stark in 1973, Robert Bartoszyński since 1974 to 1987, Andrzej Kiełbasiński since 1987 to 1999 and Witold Kosiński since 2000 to 2011. Twelve years of directing the magazine is a particularly long period. The editor Witold Kosiński bravely struggled with the problems encountered in a printing magazine. He has been teaching me the ins and outs of directing the editorial team starting from the fifth volume in 2008. I would like to thank him warmly thanks for the heart and the work he has put into the social significance of mathematicians' contacts with specialists in other areas of science and economy. Due to his commitment to the magazine coming out in the form of serving all those who see the importance of mathematics to other branches of science and in today's economy.The changes listed above do not the content of the magazine. The objectives pursued by the creators of Matematyka Stosowana, Series III Annals of the Polish Mathematical Society in 1973 do not differ substantially from those that implement the current version. In carrying out its statutory tasks the Polish Mathematica Society (PTM) has been trying to bring mathematical methods, the use of which resulted in progress in various areas of life. A particular emphasis is placed on the contemporary problems of science which brings major mathematical methodology. The selections of material from these publications use both professional mathematicians and readers outside that circle. Affordable texts can help you find a career path, as well as the research subjects.The beginning of the existence of the magazine starts in the period of increased discussion on the role of mathematics and mathematicians in the need to increase participation in research at the technical and economic sciences in Poland. Let us see that this year will be the XLI National Conference on Applied Mathematics, a meeting place for specialists in mathematics and other disciplines. In 1968, the Technical University of Wroclaw created Faculty of Fundamental Problems of Technology. Although the rapid development of computer science had yet to be seen, the formula of university education in mathematics and physics at the faculty included an innovative perspective. Today these kind of studies are offered at many universities, and hybrid learning programs including knowledge of mathematics, science and engineering are implemented at the best universities in the world. Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics leads a discussion on the shape of higher education programs, including basic knowledge of mathematics, computer science and engineering sciences.
Oddajemy do rak czytelników kolejny numer Matematyki Stosowanej w szczególnejsytuacji. Juz z okładki widoczne jest uzasadnienie tego, iz chwila jest specjalna.Składa sie na to kilka czynników. Czasopismo ukazuje sie juz 40 lat. Wydawca zauwazył, ze zmieniaja sie oczekiwania czytelników i uchwała z kwietnia 2011 zdecydował, iz bedzie to czasopismo internetowe. W trakcie wdrazania tej uchwały, przy rejestracji internetowej wersji czasopisma okazało sie, ze tworzymy nowe czasopismo powiazane z istniejacym. Jesli nowe, to ma tez nowa nazwe: Mathematica Applicanda - matematyka, która bedzie stosowana. Kolejne uchwały Wydawcy uscisliły sposób powoływania redakcji, jej kadencyjnosc oraz wielkosc. W swojej historii Matematyka Stosowana miała do 2011 roku 4 redaktorów naczelnych: (Marcellego Starka (1973), Roberta Bartoszynskiego (1974-1987), Andrzeja Kiełbasinskiego (1987-1999) i Witolda Kosinskiego (2000-2011). Okres 12 lat kierowania czasopismem jest szczególnie długi. Redaktor Witold Kosinski dzielnie zmagał sie z problemami jakie wydawanie czasopisma napotykało. Przy jego boku poznawałem tajniki kierowania zespołem redakcyjnym od tomu 50(2008). Składam Mu szczególnie ciepłe podziekowania za serce i prace jaka włozył w kształtowanie swiadomosci znaczenia kontaktów matematyków ze specjalistami innych dziedzin nauki i gospodarki. Dzieki jego zaangazowaniu czasopismo wychodziło w formie słuzacej wszystkim, którzy widza znaczenie matematyki dla innych działów nauki oraz we współczesnej gospodarce.