We consider the accuracy of two finite difference schemes proposed recently in [Roy S., Vasudeva Murthy A.S., Kudenatti R.B., A numerical method for the hyperbolic-heat conduction equation based on multiple scale technique, Appl. Numer. Math., 2009, 59(6), 1419–1430], and [Mickens R.E., Jordan P.M., A positivity-preserving nonstandard finite difference scheme for the damped wave equation, Numer. Methods Partial Differential Equations, 2004, 20(5), 639–649] to solve an initial-boundary value problem for hyperbolic heat transfer equation. New stability and approximation error estimates are proved and it is noted that some statements given in the above papers should be modified and improved. Finally, two robust finite difference schemes are proposed, that can be used for both, the hyperbolic and parabolic heat transfer equations. Results of numerical experiments are presented.