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2014 | 51 | 2 | 143-152

Tytuł artykułu

The influence of weather conditions on annual height increments of Scots pine

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Annual height increments are a very important characteristic of Scots pine. They have a direct effect on the determination of the dendrometric properties of a stand, such as volume increment. In the present study the data concern height increments of the main shoot in selected age classes of trees (age 72 to 92 years). A relationship is determined between the values of the increments and meteorological conditions such as temperature, precipitation and sunshine. On the basis of lasso regression analysis, precipitation in the year preceding the incremental season was shown to have the greatest effect on height increments of Scots pine.










Opis fizyczny




  • Department of Forest Management, Poznań University of Life Sciences, Wojska Polskiego 28, 60-637 Poznań, Poland
  • Department of Mathematical and Statistical Methods, Poznań University of Life Sciences, Wojska Polskiego 28, 60-637 Poznań, Poland


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