1. ABDULHADI Zayid, American University of Sharjah, 26666 Sharjah, United Arab Emirates, email: zahadi@aus.edu
2. ADAM Marcin, Institute of Mathematics, Silesian University of Technology, Kaszubska 23, 44-100 Gliwice, Poland, email: marcin.adam@polsl.pl
3. ALESTALO Pekka, Department of Mathematics and Systems Analysis, School of Science, Aalto University, Otakaari 1 F, 11100, 76 Aalto, Espoo, Finland, email: pekka.alestalo@aalto.fi
4. ANDRÁS Szilárd, Mathematics and Computer Science, Babes-Bolyai University, Eroilor 246, Bl. 4D, Ap. 2, 407280 Floresti, Romania, email: andrasz@math.ubbcluj.ro
5. BADORA Roman, Institute of Mathematics, University of Silesia, Bankowa 14, 40-007 Katowice, Poland, email: robadora@ux2.math.us.edu.pl
6. BAHYRYCZ Anna, Department of Mathematics, Pedagogical University, Podchorazych 2, 30-084 Kraków, Poland, email: bah@up.krakow.pl
7. BATKO Bogdan, Department of Mathematics, Pedagogical University, Podchorazych 2, 30-084 Kraków, Poland, email: bbatko@up.krakow.pl
8. BOROS Zoltán, Institute of Mathematics, University of Debrecen, Pf. 12, 4010 Debrecen, Hungary, email: zboros@science.unideb.hu
9. BRZDEK Janusz, Department of Mathematics, Pedagogical University, Podchorazych 2, 30-084 Kraków, Poland, email: jbrzdek@up.krakow.pl
10. CADARIU-BRAILOIU Liviu, Department of Mathematics, Politehnica University of Timisoara, Piata Victoriei, No.2, 300006 Timisoara, Romania, email: liviu.cadariu-brailoiu@upt.ro
11. CHENG Lixin, School of Mathematical Sciences, Xiamen University, Sing-Ming-Nan Rd 422, 361005 Xiamen, China, email: lxcheng@xmu.edu.cn
12. CHMIELINSKI Jacek, Department of Mathematics, Pedagogical University, Podchorazych 2, 30-084 Kraków, Poland, email: jacek@up.krakow.pl
13. CHUDZIAK Jacek, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, University of Rzeszów, Pigonia 1, 35-959 Rzeszów, Poland, email: chudziak@univ.rzeszow.pl
14. CIEPLINSKI Krzysztof, Department of Mathematics, Pedagogical University, Podchorazych 2, 30-084 Kraków, Poland, email: kc@up.krakow.pl
15. CZERNI Marek, Department of Mathematics, Pedagogical University, Podchorazych 2, 30-084 Kraków, Poland, email: mczerni@ap.krakow.pl
16. DVORÁKOVÁ Jana, Mathematical Institute, Silesian University in Opava, Na Rybnicku 626/1, 746 01 Opava, Czech Republic, email: jana.dvorakova@math.slu.cz
17. EGHBALI Nasrin, Faculty of Mathematics and Applications, University of Mohaghegh Ardabili, Daneshgah Street, 179 Ardebil, Iran, email: nasrineghbali@gmail.com; eghbali@uma.ac.ir
18. FÖRG-ROB Wolfgang, Institute of Mathematics, University of Innsbruck, Technikerstrasse 19a, 6020 Innsbruck, Austria, email: wolfgang.foerg-rob@uibk.ac.at
19. FOŠNER Ajda, Faculty of Management, University of Primorska, Cankarjeva 5, 6104 Koper, Slovenia, email: ajda.fosner@uni-mb.si
20. GILÁNYI Attila, Faculty of Informatics, University of Debrecen, Egyetem ter 1, 4032 Debrecen, Hungary, email: gilanyi@inf.unideb.hu
21. GOLET Ioan, Department of Mathematics, Politehnica University of Timisoara, Piata Victoriei No.2, 300006 Timisoara, Romania, email: ioan.golet@upt.ro
22. GSELMANN Eszter, Institute of Mathematics, University of Debrecen, Egyetem ter 1, 4032 Debrecen, Hungary, email: gselmann@science.unideb.hu
23. JABŁONSKA Eliza, Departament of Mathematics, Rzeszów University of Technology, Powstanców Warszawy 12, 35-959 Rzeszów, Poland, email: elizapie@prz.edu.pl
24. JABŁONSKI Wojciech, Department of Mathematics, Rzeszów University of Technology, PowstancówWarszawy 12, 35-959 Rzeszów, Poland, email: wojtek@prz.edu.pl
25. KOCAN Zdenek, Mathematical Institute, Silesian University in Opava, Na Rybnicku 626/1, 746 01 Opava, Czech Republic, email: zdenek.kocan@math.slu.cz
26. KOZYRA Magdalena, Department of Mathematics, Pedagogical University, Podchorazych 2, 30-084 Kraków, Poland, email: magdalena.kozyra1987@gmail.com
27. KUREK Paulina, Department of Mathematics, Pedagogical University, Podchorazych 2, 30-084 Kraków, Poland, email: paulinakurek11@gmail.com
28. LESNIAK Zbigniew, Department of Mathematics, Pedagogical University, Podchorazych 2, 30-084 Kraków, Poland, email: zlesniak@up.krakow.pl
29. MALEJKI Renata, Department of Mathematics, Pedagogical University, Podchorazych 2, 30-084 Kraków, Poland, email: smalejki@o2.pl
30. MÉSZÁROS Alpár Richárd, Laboratoire de Methématique d’Orsay, Mathematics, Univerité Paris-Sud, Bat. 425, 91495 Orsay, France, email:alpart_r@yahoo.com
31. NAGY Tímea, CMAP, École Polytechnique, Palaiseau, France, email: timea.nagy@polytechnique.edu
32. NIKODEM Kazimierz, Department of Mathematics and Computer Science, University of Bielsko-Biala, Willowa 2, 43-309 Bielsko-Biała, Poland, email: knikodem@ath.bielsko.pl
33. OLBRYS Andrzej, Institute of Mathematics, University of Silesia, Bankowa 14, 40-007 Katowice, Poland, email: andrzej.olbrys@wp.pl
34. OLKO Jolanta, Department of Mathematics, Pedagogical University, Podchorazych 2, 30-084 Kraków, Poland, email: jolko@up.krakow.pl
35. OUBBI Lahbib, Ecole Normale Supérieure, Mohammed V-Agdal, Avenue Mohamed Hassan El Ouazzan, 10105 Rabat, Morocco, email: oubbi@daad-alumni.de
36. PÁLES Zsolt, Institute of Mathematics, University of Debrecen, Egyetem ter 1, 4032 Debrecen, Hungary, email: pales@science.unideb.hu
37. PASTECZKA Paweł, Institute of Mathematics, University of Warsaw, Krakowskie Przedmiescie 26/28, 00-927 Warszawa, Poland, email: ppasteczka@mimuw.edu.pl
38. PISZCZEK Magdalena, Department of Mathematics, Pedagogical University, Podchorazych 2, 30-084 Kraków, Poland, email: magdap@ap.krakow.pl
39. POPA Dorian, Automation and Computer Science, Technical University of Cluj-Napoca, C. Daicoviciu 28, 400114 Cluj-Napoca, Romania, email: Popa.Dorian@math.utcluj.ro
40. PRZEBIERACZ Barbara, Institute of Mathematics, University of Silesia, Bankowa 14, 40-007 Katowice, Poland, email: barbara.przebieracz@us.edu.pl
41. RASA Ioan, Automation and Computer Science, Technical University of Cluj-Napoca, C. Daicoviciu 28, 400114 Cluj-Napoca, Romania, email: Ioan.Rasa@math.utcluj.ro
42. SEVGIN Sebaheddin, Department of Mathematics, Yüzüncü Yil University, 65080 Van, Turkey, email: ssevgin@yahoo.com
43. SEVLI Hamdullah, Department of Mathematics, Faculty of Science, Istanbul Commerce University, Sütlüce / Beyoglu, Istanbul, Turkey, email: hsevli@yahoo.com
44. SIKORSKA Justyna, Institute of Mathematics, University of Silesia, Bankowa 14, 40-007 Katowice, Poland, email: sikorska@math.us.edu.pl
45. SIUDUT Stanisław, Department of Mathematics, Pedagogical University, Podchorazych 2, 30-084 Kraków, Poland, email: siudut@ap.krakow.pl
46. SLIWINSKA Dorota, Department of Mathematics and Computer Science, University of Bielsko-Biala, Willowa 2, 43-309 Bielsko-Biała, Poland, email: dsliwinska@ath.bielsko.pl
47. SMÍTAL Jaroslav, Mathematical Institute, Silesian University in Opava, Na Rybnicku 626/1, 746 01 Opava, Czech Republic, email: Jaroslav.Smital@math.slu.cz
48. SOBEK Barbara, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, University of Rzeszów, Pigonia 1, 35-310 Rzeszów, Poland, email: b_sobek@wp.pl
49. SOLARZ Paweł, Departament of Mathematics, Pedagogical University, Podchorazych 2, 30-084 Kraków, Poland, email: psolarz@up.krakow.pl
50. ŠTEFÁNKOVÁ Marta, Mathematical Institute, Silesian University in Opava, Na Rybnicku 626/1, 746 01 Opava, Czech Republic, email: marta.stefankova@math.slu.cz
51. STEVIC Stevo, Mathematical Institute of the Serbian Academy of Sciences, Knez Mihailova 36/III, 11000 Beograd, Serbia, email: sstevic@ptt.rs
52. SZAŁA Leszek, Mathematical Institute, Silesian University in Opava, Na Rybnicku 626/1, 74601 Opava, Czech Republic, email: leszek.szala@math.slu.cz
53. SZCZAWINSKA Joanna, Department of Mathematics, Pedagogical University, Podchorazych 2, 30-084 Kraków, Poland, email: jszczaw@ap.krakow.pl
54. SZÉKELYHIDI László, Institute of Mathematics, University of Debrecen, Petöfi Sandor, 9222 Hegyeshalom, Hungary, email: lszekelyhidi@gmail.com
55. SZOSTOK Tomasz, Institute of Mathematics, University of Silesia, Bankowa 14, 40-007 Katowice, Poland, email: szostok@math.us.edu.pl
56. TABOR Jacek, Faculty of Mathematics and Computer Science, Jagiellonian University, Łojasiewicza 6, 30-348 Kraków, Poland, email: tabor@ii.uj.edu.pl
57. VOLKMANN Peter, Institut für Analysis, KIT, 76128 Karlsruhe, Germany
58. WASOWICZ Szymon, Department of Mathematics and Computer Science, University of Bielsko-Biala, Willowa 2, 43-309 Bielsko-Biała, Poland, email: swasowicz@ath.bielsko.pl
59. WÓJCIK Paweł, Department of Mathematics, Pedagogical University, Podchorazych 2, 30-084 Kraków, Poland, email: pwojcik@up.krakow.pl
60. ZLATOŠ Pavol, Department of Algebra, Geometry and Mathematics Education, Comenius University, Mlynska dolina, 84248 Bratislava, Slovakia, email: Pavol.Zlatos@fmph.uniba.sk