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Projectivity, injectivity and duality



Rozprawy Matematyczne tom/nr w serii: 35 wydano: 1963


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INTRODUCTION........................................................................................................................................ 3
I. PROJECTIVITY AND INJECTIVITY IN ABSTRACT BICATEGORIES.............................................. 7
§ 1. Categories and bicategories........................................................................................................... 7
§ 2. Arrow notation and the duality principle......................................................................................... 10
§ 3. Singletons........................................................................................................................................... 11
§ 4. Projective and injective objects....................................................................................................... 12
§ 5. Separators and generators............................................................................................................. 13
§ 6. Free and direct objects..................................................................................................................... 10
II. SOME SPECIAL BICATEGORIES....................................................................................................... 10
§ 7. Table of examples............................................................................................................................. 10
§ 8. Topological spaces........................................................................................................................... 10
§ 9. Groups. Abelian groups. Modules over a ring.............................................................................. 25
§ 10. Locally compact abelian groups.................................................................................................. 28
§ 11. Boolean algebras. Compact spaces.......................................................................................... 29
§ 12. Banach spaces. Linear topological spaces.............................................................................. 31
§ 13. Two-norm spaces and linear spaces with mixed topology.................................................... 33
APPENDIX.................................................................................................................................................. 38
§ 14. Remarks on subobject and injections....................................................................................... 38
§ 16. Tricategories................................................................................................................................... 41
REFERENCES.......................................................................................................................................... 44

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Rozprawy Matematyczne tom/nr w serii: 35

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Rozprawy Matematyczne, Tom XXXV




  • The Institute of Mathematics of the Polish Academy of Sciences, The University of Washington, Seattle


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