Suppose t = (T,T₁,p) is a triple of two countable theories T ⊆ T₁ in vocabularies τ ⊂ τ₁ and a τ₁-type p over the empty set. We show that the Hanf number for the property 'there is a model M₁ of T₁ which omits p, but M₁ ↾ τ is saturated' is essentially equal to the Löwenheim number of second order logic. In Section 4 we make exact computations of these Hanf numbers and note some distinctions between 'first order' and 'second order quantification'. In particular, we show that if κ is uncountable, then $h³(L_{ω,ω}(Q),κ) = h³(L_{ω₁,ω},κ)$, where h³ is the 'normal' notion of Hanf function (Definition 4.12).