We extend the results on uniform distribution modulo 1 given in [3] to sequences of the form (t(hₙF(nΘ) + εₙh'ₙ))ₙ, where (hₙ)ₙ, (h'ₙ)ₙ and (hₙ/h'ₙ)ₙ are polynomially increasing sequences, (εₙ)ₙ a bounded sequence, F: ℝ → ℝ essentially a 1-periodic C³ function, Θ and t real numbers (the case $F: ℝ^{d} → ℝ $ and $Θ ∈ ℝ ^{d}$ for d > 1$ will be treated in a separate article). We remove the diophantine hypothesis on Θ needed in [3], and add a technical hypothesis on hₙ.