Let $ℳ_{p} = {m_{k}}_{k=0}^{p-1}$ be a finite set of step functions or real valued trigonometric polynomials on 𝕋 = [0,1) satisfying a certain orthonormality condition. We study multiscale generalized Riesz product measures μ defined as weak-* limits of elements $μ_{N} ∈ V_{N} (N ∈ ℕ)$, where $V_{N}$ are $p^{N}$-dimensional subspaces of L₂(𝕋) spanned by an orthonormal set which is produced from dilations and multiplications of elements of $ℳ_{p}$ and $\overline{⋃_{N∈ ℕ} V_{N}} = L₂(𝕋)$. The results involve mutual absolute continuity or singularity of such Riesz products extending previous results on multiscale Riesz products.