Let 𝔞 ⊆ 𝔟 be ideals of a Noetherian ring R, and let N be a non-zero finitely generated R-module. The set Q̅*(𝔞,N) of quintasymptotic primes of 𝔞 with respect to N was originally introduced by McAdam. Also, it has been shown by Naghipour and Schenzel that the set $A*_{a}(𝔟,N) := ⋃ _{n≥1} Ass_{R}R/(𝔟ⁿ)^{(N)}_{a}$ of associated primes is finite. The purpose of this paper is to show that the topology on N defined by ${(𝔞ⁿ)_{a}^{(N)}:_{R} ⟨𝔟⟩}_{n≥1}$ is finer than the topology defined by ${(𝔟ⁿ)_{a}^{(N)}}_{n≥1}$ if and only if $A*_{a}(𝔟,N)$ is disjoint from the quintasymptotic primes of 𝔞 with respect to N. Moreover, we show that if 𝔞 is generated by an asymptotic sequence on N, then $A*_{a}(𝔞,N) = Q̅*(𝔞,N)$.