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w słowach kluczowych:  trigonometric polynomial
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Let \(P (z)\) be a polynomial of degree \(n\) having no zeros in \(|z| < k\), \(k \leq 1\), and let \(Q (z) := z^n \overline{P (1/{\overline {z}})}\). It was shown by Govil that if \(\max_{|z| = 1} |P^\prime (z)|\) and \(\max_{|z| = 1} |Q^\prime (z)|\) are attained at the same point of the unit circle \(|z| = 1\), then \[\max_{|z| = 1} |P'(z)| \leq \frac{n}{1 + k^n} \max_{|z| = 1} |P(z)|.\]The main result of the present article is a generalization of Govil's polynomial inequality to a class of entire functions of exponential type.
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Least-squares trigonometric regression estimation

The problem of nonparametric function fitting using the complete orthogonal system of trigonometric functions $e_k$, k=0,1,2,..., for the observation model $y_i = f(x_{in}) + η_i$, i=1,...,n, is considered, where $η_i$ are uncorrelated random variables with zero mean value and finite variance, and the observation points $x_{in} ∈ [0,2π]$, i=1,...,n, are equidistant. Conditions for convergence of the mean-square prediction error $(1/n)\sum_{i=1}^n E(f(x_{in})-\widehat f_{N(n)}(x_{in}))^2$, the integrated mean-square error $E ‖f-\widehat f_{N(n)}‖^2$ and the pointwise mean-square error $E(f(x)-\widehatf_{N(n)}(x))^2$ of the estimator $\widehat f_{N(n)}(x) = \sum_{k=0}^{N(n)} \widehat c_k e_k(x)$ for f ∈ C[0,2π] and $\widehat c_0,\widehat c_1,...,\widehat c_{N(n)}$ obtained by the least squares method are studied.
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