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Automated Incident Detection (AID) is an important part of Advanced Traffic Management and Information Systems (ATMISs). An automated incident detection system can effectively provide information on an incident, which can help initiate the required measure to reduce the influence of the incident. To accurately detect incidents in expressways, a Support Vector Machine (SVM) is used in this paper. Since the selection of optimal parameters for the SVM can improve prediction accuracy, the tabu search algorithm is employed to optimize the SVM parameters. The proposed model is evaluated with data for two freeways in China. The results show that the tabu search algorithm can effectively provide better parameter values for the SVM, and SVM models outperform Artificial Neural Networks (ANNs) in freeway incident detection.
The aim of this paper is to introduce a strategy to find a minimal set of test nodes for diagnostics of complex analog systems with single parametric faults using the support vector machine (SVM) classifier as a fault locator. The results of diagnostics of a video amplifier and a low-pass filter using tabu search along with genetic algorithms (GAs) as node selectors in conjunction with the SVM fault classifier are presented. General principles of the diagnostic procedure are first introduced, and then the proposed approach is discussed in detail. Diagnostic results confirm the usefulness of the method and its computational requirements. Conclusions on its wider applicability are provided as well.
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