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w słowach kluczowych:  set theory
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Embedding Cohen algebras using pcf theory

Using a theorem from pcf theory, we show that for any singular cardinal ν, the product of the Cohen forcing notions on κ, κ < ν, adds a generic for the Cohen forcing notion on $ν^+$.
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Strong covering without squares

Let W be an inner model of ZFC. Let κ be a cardinal in V. We say that κ-covering holds between V and W iff for all X ∈ V with X ⊆ ON and V ⊨ |X| < κ, there exists Y ∈ W such that X ⊆ Y ⊆ ON and V ⊨ |Y| < κ. Strong κ-covering holds between V and W iff for every structure M ∈ V for some countable first-order language whose underlying set is some ordinal λ, and every X ∈ V with X ⊆ λ and V ⊨ |X| < κ, there is Y ∈ W such that X ⊆ Y ≺ M and V ⊨ |Y| < κ.   We prove that if κ is V-regular, $κ^+_V = κ^+_W$, and we have both κ-covering and $κ^+$-covering between W and V, then strong κ-covering holds. Next we show that we can drop the assumption of $κ^+$-covering at the expense of assuming some more absoluteness of cardinals and cofinalities between W and V, and that we can drop the assumption that $κ^+_W = κ^+_V$ and weaken the $κ^+$-covering assumption at the expense of assuming some structural facts about W (the existence of certain square sequences).
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On a problem of Steve Kalikow

The Kalikow problem for a pair (λ,κ) of cardinal numbers,λ > κ (in particular κ = 2) is whether we can map the family of ω-sequences from λ to the family of ω-sequences from κ in a very continuous manner. Namely, we demand that for η,ν ∈ ω we have: η, ν are almost equal if and only if their images are. We show consistency of the negative answer, e.g., for $ℵ_ω$ but we prove it for smaller cardinals. We indicate a close connection with the free subset property and its variants.
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Cellularity of free products of Boolean algebras (or topologies)

The aim this paper is to present an answer to Problem 1 of Monk [10], [11]. We do this by proving in particular that if μ is a strong limit singular cardinal, $θ = (2^{cf(μ)})^+$ and $2^μ = μ^+$ then there are Boolean algebras $\mathbb{B}_1,\mathbb{B}_2$ such that $c(\mathbb{B}_1) = μ, c(\mathbb{B}_2) < θ but c(\mathbb{B}_1*\mathbb{B}_2)=μ^+$. Further we improve this result, deal with the method and the necessity of the assumptions. In particular we prove that if $\mathbb{B}$ is a ccc Boolean algebra and $μ^{ℶ_ω} ≤ λ = cf(λ) ≤ 2^μ$ then $\mathbb{B}$ satisfies the λ-Knaster condition (using the "revised GCH theorem").
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Relative sets and rough sets

In this paper, by defining a pair of classical sets as a relative set, an extension of the classical set algebra which is a counterpart of Belnap's four-valued logic is achieved. Every relative set partitions all objects into four distinct regions corresponding to four truth-values of Belnap's logic. Like truth-values of Belnap's logic, relative sets have two orderings; one is an order of inclusion and the other is an order of knowledge or information. By defining a rough set as a pair of definable sets, an integrated approach to relative sets and rough sets is obtained. With this definition, we are able to define an approximation of a rough set in an approximation space, and so we can obtain sequential approximations of a set, which is a good model of communication among agents.
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On what I do not understand (and have something to say): Part I

This is a non-standard paper, containing some problems in set theory I have in various degrees been interested in. Sometimes with a discussion on what I have to say; sometimes, of what makes them interesting to me, sometimes the problems are presented with a discussion of how I have tried to solve them, and sometimes with failed tries, anecdotes and opinions. So the discussion is quite personal, in other words, egocentric and somewhat accidental. As we discuss many problems, history and side references are erratic, usually kept to a minimum ("see ..." means: see the references there and possibly the paper itself). The base were lectures in Rutgers, Fall '97, and reflect my knowledge then. The other half, [122], concentrating on model theory, will subsequently appear. I thank Andreas Blass and Andrzej Rosłanowski for many helpful comments.
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