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w słowach kluczowych:  Cayley-Dickson process
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The algebras ℂ (complex numbers), ℍ (quaternions), and 𝕆 (octonions) are real division algebras obtained from the real numbers ℝ by a doubling procedure called the Cayley-Dickson Process. By doubling ℝ (dim 1), we obtain ℂ (dim 2), then ℂ produces ℍ (dim 4), and ℍ yields 𝕆 (dim 8). The next doubling process applied to 𝕆 then yields an algebra 𝕊 (dim 16) called the sedenions. This study deals with the subalgebra structure of the sedenion algebra 𝕊 and its zero divisors. In particular, it shows that 𝕊 has subalgebras isomorphic to ℝ, ℂ, ℍ, 𝕆, and a newly identified algebra 𝕆̃ called the quasi-octonions that contains the zero-divisors of 𝕊.
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