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w słowach kluczowych:  nonlinear system
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Locally positive nonlinear systems

The notion of locally positive nonlinear time-varying linear systems is introduced. Necessary and sufficient conditions for the local positiveness of nonlinear time-varying systems are established. The concept of local reachability in the direction of a cone is introduced, and sufficient conditions for local reachability in the direction of a cone of this class of nonlinear systems are presented.
The paper presents algorithms for parameter identification of linear vessel models being in force for the current operating point of a ship. Advantages and disadvantages of gradient and genetic algorithms in identifying the model parameters are discussed. The study is supported by presentation of identification results for a nonlinear model of a drilling vessel.
This paper proposes a recursive identification method for systems with output backlash that can be described by a pseudoWiener model. In this method, a novel description of the nonlinear part of the system, i.e., backlash, is developed. In this case, the nonlinear system is decomposed into a piecewise linearized model. Then, a modified recursive general identification algorithm (MRGIA) is employed to estimate the parameters of the proposed model. Furthermore, the convergence of the MRGIA for the pseudo-Wiener system with backlash is analysed. Finally, a numerical example is presented.
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