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w słowach kluczowych:  Dunkl-Williams constant
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On the calculation of the Dunkl-Williams constant of normed linear spaces

Recently, Jiménez-Melado et al. [Jiménez-Melado A., Llorens-Fuster E., Mazcuñán-Navarro E.M., The Dunkl-Williams constant, convexity, smoothness and normal structure, J. Math. Anal. Appl., 2008, 342(1), 298–310] defined the Dunkl-Williams constant DW(X) of a normed linear space X. In this paper we present some characterizations of this constant. As an application, we calculate DW(ℓ2-ℓ∞) in the Day-James space ℓ2-ℓ∞.
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