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w słowach kluczowych:  Complete lattice
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A new view of relationship between atomic posets and complete (algebraic) lattices

Open Mathematics
tom 15
nr 1
In the context of the atomic poset, we propose several new methods of constructing the complete lattice and the algebraic lattice, and the mutual decision of relationship between atomic posets and complete lattices (algebraic lattices) is studied.
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Algebraic axiomatization of tense intuitionistic logic

Open Mathematics
tom 9
nr 5
We introduce two unary operators G and H on a relatively pseudocomplemented lattice which form an algebraic axiomatization of the tense quantifiers “it is always going to be the case that” and “it has always been the case that”. Their axiomatization is an extended version for the classical logic and it is in accordance with these operators on many-valued Łukasiewicz logic. Finally, we get a general construction of these tense operators on complete relatively pseudocomplemented lattice which is a power lattice via the so-called frame.
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