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On the relation between maximal rigid objects and τ-tilting modules

This note compares τ-tilting modules and maximal rigid objects in the context of 2-Calabi-Yau triangulated categories. Let 𝓒 be a 2-Calabi-Yau triangulated category with suspension functor S. Let R be a maximal rigid object in 𝓒 and let Γ be the endomorphism algebra of R. Let F be the functor $Hom_{𝓒}(R,-): 𝓒 → mod Γ$. We prove that any τ-tilting module over Γ lifts uniquely to a maximal rigid object in 𝓒 via F, and in turn, that projection from 𝓒 to mod Γ sends the maximal rigid objects which have no direct summands from add SR to τ-tilting Γ-modules, and in general, that the Γ-modules corresponding to the maximal rigid objects are the support τ-tilting modules.
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