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Local-global principle for annihilation of general local cohomology

Let A be a Noetherian ring, let M be a finitely generated A-module and let Φ be a system of ideals of A. We prove that, for any ideal 𝔞 in Φ, if, for every prime ideal 𝔭 of A, there exists an integer k(𝔭), depending on 𝔭, such that $𝔞^{k(𝔭)}$ kills the general local cohomology module $H_{Φ_{𝔭}}^{j}(M_{𝔭})$ for every integer j less than a fixed integer n, where $Φ_{𝔭}: = {𝔞_{𝔭}: 𝔞 ∈ Φ}$, then there exists an integer k such that $𝔞^{k}H_{Φ}^{j}(M) = 0$ for every j < n.
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