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Hybrid stabilization of discrete-time LTI systems with two quantized signals

We consider stabilizing a discrete-time LTI (linear time-invariant) system via state feedback where both the quantized state and control input signals are involved. The system under consideration is stabilizable and stabilizing state feedback has been designed without considering quantization, but the system's stability is not guaranteed due to the quantization effect. For this reason, we propose a hybrid quantized state feedback strategy asymptotically stabilizing the system, where the values of the quantizer parameters are updated at discrete time instants. We also extend the result to the case of static output feedback.
In this paper, we consider the design of interconnected $H_∞$ feedback control systems with quantized signals. We assume that a decentralized dynamic output feedback has been designed for an interconnected continuous-time LTI system so that the closed-loop system is stable and a desired $H_∞$ disturbance attenuation level is achieved, and that the subsystem measurement outputs are quantized before they are passed to the local controllers. We propose a local-output-dependent strategy for updating the parameters of the quantizers, so that the overall closed-loop system is asymptotically stable and achieves the same $H_∞$ disturbance attenuation level. Both the pre-designed controllers and the parameters of the quantizers are constructed in a decentralized manner, depending on local measurement outputs.
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