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On Asymmetric Distances

In this paper we discuss asymmetric length structures and asymmetric metric spaces. A length structure induces a (semi)distance function; by using the total variation formula, a (semi)distance function induces a length. In the first part we identify a topology in the set of paths that best describes when the above operations are idempotent. As a typical application, we consider the length of paths defined by a Finslerian functional in Calculus of Variations. In the second part we generalize the setting of General metric spaces of Busemann, and discuss the newly found aspects of the theory: we identify three interesting classes of paths, and compare them; we note that a geodesic segment (as defined by Busemann) is not necessarily continuous in our setting; hence we present three different notions of intrinsic metric space.
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Geodesics in Asymmetic Metric Spaces

In a recent paper [17] we studied asymmetric metric spaces; in this context we studied the length of paths, introduced the class of run-continuous paths; and noted that there are different definitions of “length spaces” (also known as “path-metric spaces” or “intrinsic spaces”). In this paper we continue the analysis of asymmetric metric spaces.We propose possible definitions of completeness and (local) compactness.We define the geodesics using as admissible paths the class of run-continuous paths.We define midpoints, convexity, and quasi-midpoints, but without assuming the space be intrinsic.We distinguish all along those results that need a stronger separation hypothesis. Eventually we discuss how the newly developed theory impacts the most important results, such as the existence of geodesics, and the renowned Hopf-Rinow (or Cohn-Vossen) theorem.
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