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w słowach kluczowych:  Statistical convergence
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In this paper, we prove that a bounded double sequence of fuzzy numbers which is statistically convergent is also statistically (C, 1, 1) summable to the same number. We construct an example that the converse of this statement is not true in general. We obtain that the statistically (C, 1, 1) summable double sequence of fuzzy numbers is convergent and statistically convergent to the same number under the slowly oscillating and statistically slowly oscillating conditions in certain senses, respectively.
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Lacunary equi-statistical convergence of positive linear operators

In this paper, the concept of lacunary equi-statistical convergence is introduced and it is shown that lacunary equi-statistical convergence lies between lacunary statistical pointwise and lacunary statistical uniform convergence. Inclusion relations between equi-statistical and lacunary equi-statistical convergence are investigated and it is proved that, under some conditions, lacunary equi-statistical convergence and equi-statistical convergence are equivalent to each other. A Korovkin type approximation theorem via lacunary equi-statistical convergence is proved. Moreover it is shown that our Korovkin type approximation theorem is a non-trivial extension of some well-known Korovkin type approximation theorems. Finally the rates of lacunary equi-statistical convergence by the help of modulus of continuity of positive linear operators are studied.
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On ideal equal convergence

We consider ideal equal convergence of a sequence of functions. This is a generalization of equal convergence introduced by Császár and Laczkovich [Császár Á., Laczkovich M., Discrete and equal convergence, Studia Sci. Math. Hungar., 1975, 10(3–4), 463–472]. Our definition of ideal equal convergence encompasses two different kinds of ideal equal convergence introduced in [Das P., Dutta S., Pal S.K., On and *-equal convergence and an Egoroff-type theorem, Mat. Vesnik, 2014, 66(2), 165–177]_and [Filipów R., Szuca P., Three kinds of convergence and the associated I-Baire classes, J. Math. Anal. Appl., 2012, 391(1), 1–9]. We also solve a few problems posed in the paper by Das, Dutta and Pal.
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