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w słowach kluczowych:  Self-normalizing subgroup
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Normalizers and self-normalizing subgroups II

Open Mathematics
tom 9
nr 6
Let $\mathbb{K}$ be a field, G a reductive algebraic $\mathbb{K}$-group, and G 1 ≤ G a reductive subgroup. For G 1 ≤ G, the corresponding groups of $\mathbb{K}$-points, we study the normalizer N = N G(G 1). In particular, for a standard embedding of the odd orthogonal group G 1 = SO(m, $\mathbb{K}$) in G = SL(m, $\mathbb{K}$) we have N ≅ G 1 ⋊ µm($\mathbb{K}$), the semidirect product of G 1 by the group of m-th roots of unity in $\mathbb{K}$. The normalizers of the even orthogonal and symplectic subgroup of SL(2n, $\mathbb{K}$) were computed in [Širola B., Normalizers and self-normalizing subgroups, Glas. Mat. Ser. III (in press)], leaving the proof in the odd orthogonal case to be completed here. Also, for G = GL(m, $\mathbb{K}$) and G 1 = O(m, $\mathbb{K}$) we have N ≅ G 1 ⋊ $\mathbb{K}$ ×. In both of these cases, N is a self-normalizing subgroup of G.
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Groups whose all subgroups are ascendant or self-normalizing

This paper studies groups G whose all subgroups are either ascendant or self-normalizing. We characterize the structure of such G in case they are locally finite. If G is a hyperabelian group and has the property, we show that every subgroup of G is in fact ascendant provided G is locally nilpotent or non-periodic. We also restrict our study replacing ascendant subgroups by permutable subgroups, which of course are ascendant [Stonehewer S.E., Permutable subgroups of infinite groups, Math. Z., 1972, 125(1), 1–16].
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