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Logarithmic and antilogarithmic mappings


Rozprawy Matematyczne tom/nr w serii: 337 wydano: 1994


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0. Preliminaries.......................................................................................................................................6
1. Basic equation. Logarithms and antilogarithms..................................................................................8
2. Logarithms and antilogarithms of higher order.................................................................................19
3. Reduction theorems..........................................................................................................................24
4. Multiplicative case.............................................................................................................................36
5. Leibniz case.......................................................................................................................................41
6. Exponential, power and polylogarithmic functions.............................................................................51
7. Complex case....................................................................................................................................57
8. Smooth logarithms and antilogarithms..............................................................................................64
9. Logarithmic and antilogarithmic mappings induced by left invertible and invertible operators...........70
10. Other generalizations.......................................................................................................................82

Miejsce publikacji




Rozprawy Matematyczne tom/nr w serii: 337

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Opis fizyczny

Dissertationes Mathematicae, Tom CCCXXXVII




  • Polish Academy of Sciences, Śniadeckich 8, 00-950 Warszawa, Poland


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Języki publikacji



1991 Mathematics Subject Classification: 47C05, 47H17, 47S10, 33B10.

Identyfikator YADDA





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