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Tytuł rozdziału

On composition of functions and measures

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 Abstract: Let μ be a vector measure with values in $ℝ^k$ and $f:ℝ^k → ℝ$. A measure ν is called the composition of f and μ if for every δ-sequence $(δ_n)$ the sequence $f(μ*δ_n)$ is weakly convergent to ν. We give sufficient conditions for the existence of the composition and examples of geometric applications.

Słowa kluczowe


  • Institute of Mathematics, Polish Academy of Sciences, Staromiejska 8/6, 40-013 Katowice, Poland
  • Institute of Mathematics, Silesian University, Bankowa 14, 40-007 Katowice, Poland


[1] P. Antosik, J. Mikusiński and R. Sikorski, Theory of Distributions, The Sequential Approach, Elsevier and PWN, Amsterdam-Warszawa, 1973.
[2] P. Antosik, On composition of distributions, Proc. Steklov Math. Inst., to appear.
[3] N. Bourbaki, Éléments de mathématiques, Livre VI, Intégration, Hermann, Paris, 1956.
[4] S. Łojasiewicz, An Introduction to the Theory of Real Functions, (A. V. Ferreira, ed.), Wiley, Chichester, 1989.



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