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Derivatives of noninteger order and their applications


Rozprawy Matematyczne tom/nr w serii: 328 wydano: 1993-09-01


Warianty tytułu


I. Derivatives of noninteger order.........................................................................................................6
II. Characteristic problem for the Mangeron polyvibrating equation of noninteger order....................17
  1. The problem................................................................................................................................17
  2. Existence of solutions..................................................................................................................18
  3. Uniqueness of the solution...........................................................................................................21
  4. Continuous solutions...................................................................................................................23
  5. Continuous dependence of the solution on the boundary data...................................................25
III. Noncharacteristic boundary value problem...................................................................................26
  1. The problem................................................................................................................................26
  2. Local solutions of the problem.....................................................................................................27
  3. Extension of the local solution.....................................................................................................30
IV. Some problems for ordinary differential equations........................................................................32
  1. Multipoint problem.......................................................................................................................32
    ;1.1. The problem..........................................................................................................................32
    ;1.2. Solution of the problem.........................................................................................................33
 &nbsp2. Polarographic equation...............................................................................................................35
    ;2.1. The Cauchy problem.............................................................................................................35
    ;2.2. Continuous dependence of the solution on the initial data....................................................39
    ;2.3. The multipoint problem..........................................................................................................39
V. Further applications of the derivatives of noninteger order...........................................................40
  1. An application to Mikusi/nski's operator theory............................................................................40
  2. Integral representation of analytic functions................................................................................42

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Rozprawy Matematyczne tom/nr w serii: 328

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Opis fizyczny

Dissertationes Mathematicae, Tom CCCXXVIII




  • Institute of Mathematics, Warsaw University of Technology, Pl. Politechniki 1, 00-661 Warszawa, Poland


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Języki publikacji



1991 Mathematics Subject Classification: 26A33, 26B99, 34A99, 34B99, 35D99, 35L99, 45B05, 45D05, 45E10, 45Gxx, 45P05, 47Gxx.

Identyfikator YADDA





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