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Duality theorems for Kantorovich-Rubinstein and Wasserstein functionals


Rozprawy Matematyczne tom/nr w serii: 299 wydano: 1990




§0. Introduction...................................................................................................................................5
§1. Notation and terminology..............................................................................................................6
§2. A generalization of the Kantorovich-Rubinstein theorem..............................................................8
§3. Application: explicit representations for a class of probability metrics.........................................14
§4. Topology of the Kantorovich-Rubinstein norm............................................................................18
§5. Dual representation for the Wasserstein functional....................................................................21
§6. Comparison of Wasserstein functional and Kantorovich-Rubinstein norm; completeness..........27
§7. Convergence of empirical measures; results of Fortet-Mourier type..........................................30
§8. The convex set of optimal measures..........................................................................................32

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Rozprawy Matematyczne tom/nr w serii: 299

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Opis fizyczny

Dissertationes Mathematicae, Tom CCXCIX




  • University of California, Department of Statistics and Applied Probability, Santa Barbara, California 93106, USA
  • University of California, Department of Statistics and Applied Probability, Santa Barbara, California 93106, USA


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  • [7] X. Fernique, Sur le Théorème de Kantorovich-Rubinstein dans les espaces polonaises, Lecture Notes in Math. 850, Springer-Verlag, 1981, pp. 6-10.
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  • [21] R. M. Shortt, Strassen's marginal problem in two or more dimensions, Z. Wahrsch. Verw. Gebiete 64 (1983), 313-325.
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  • [23] A. Szulga, On the Wasserstein metric, in: Transactions 8th Prague Conf. on Information Theory, Akademia, Prague 1978, pp. 267-273.
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