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Contributions to the duality theory of abelian topological groups and to the theory of nuclear groups


Rozprawy Matematyczne tom/nr w serii: 384 wydano: 1999



1. Auxiliary results in topology..............................................................11
2. Auxiliary results for topological groups............................................17
3. Elementary properties of homomorphism groups............................21
4. Homomorphism groups of abelian metrizable groups......................23
5. Some results in duality theory.........................................................25
6. Locally quasi-convex groups...........................................................30
7. Properties of the quasi-convex hull.................................................36
8. Reflexivity of locally convex vector spaces......................................40
9. Locally convex vector groups..........................................................46
10. Two representations of locally quasi-convex groups.....................48
11. The character groups of $L^p_ℤ([0,1])$ and $L^p([0,1])$............53
12. Free abelian topological groups...................................................58
13. C(K,𝕋) for compact K....................................................................63
14. The group C(X,𝕋)..........................................................................69
15. Duality theory for free abelian topological groups.........................71
16. A short survey of the theory of nuclear groups.............................73
17. Ellipsoids.......................................................................................73
18. Properties of the Kolmogorov diameter.........................................75
19. Gaussian-like measures................................................................86
20. Nuclear groups..............................................................................93
21. An embedding theorem for nuclear groups.................................104
22. The Bochner Theorem for nuclear groups..................................105

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Rozprawy Matematyczne tom/nr w serii: 384

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Opis fizyczny

Dissertationes Mathematicae, Tom CCCLXXXIV




  • Mathematisches Institut der Universität, Auf der Morgenstelle 10, D-72076 Tübingen, Germany


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1991 Mathematics Subject Classification: 11H06, 22Axx, 22B99, 43A40, 43A35, 46Axx, 52C07, 52A40, 54Dxx, 54E15, 60B15.

Identyfikator YADDA





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