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On isomorphic classification of tensor products $E_{∞}(a) ⊗̂ E'_{∞}(b)$


Rozprawy Matematyczne tom/nr w serii: 350 wydano: 1996



0. Introduction...............................................5
1. Preliminaries.............................................6
2. Power series space-valued case..............8
3. Main results..............................................9
4. F- and DF-subspaces.............................11
5. Quasidiagonal isomorphism....................13
6. Sufficiency...............................................14
7. Linear Topological Invariants (LTI)..........16
8. Necessary conditions..............................20
9. Spaces $s ⊗̂ E'_∞(b)$............................22
10. Spaces $s' ⊗̂ E_{∞}(a)$.......................23

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Rozprawy Matematyczne tom/nr w serii: 350

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Opis fizyczny

Dissertationes Mathematicae, Tom CCCL




  • Department of Mathematics, Bilkent University, 06533 Ankara, Turkey
  • State Building Academy, Rostov-on-Don, Russia
  • Department of Mathematics, Marmara Research Center, Gebze-Kocaeli, Turkey
  • Department of Mechanics and Mathematics, Rostov State University, Rostov-on-Don, Russia
  • Department of Mathematics, Middle East Technical University, 06531 Ankara, Turkey


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  • [6] P. A. Chalov and V. P. Zahariuta, On linear topological invariants on some class of families of Hilbert spaces, manuscript No. 3862-B 86, deposited at VINITI, 1986 (in Russian).
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  • [26] V. P. Zahariuta, Linear topological invariants and isomorphisms of spaces of analytic functions, Mat. Anal. i Prilozhen., Rostov Univ., 2 (1970), 3-13; 3 (1971), 176-180 (in Russian).
  • [27] V. P. Zahariuta, Some linear topological invariants and isomorphisms of tensor products of scale's centers, Izv. Severo-Kavkaz. Nauchn. Tsentra Vyssh. Shkoly Estestv. Nauk. 4 (1974), 62-64 (in Russian).
  • [28] V. P. Zahariuta, On isomorphisms and quasiequivalence of bases of power Köthe spaces, Dokl. Akad. Nauk SSSR 221 (1975), 772-774 (in Russian).
  • [29] V. P. Zahariuta, On isomorphisms and quasiequivalence of bases of power Köthe spaces, in: Proc. 7th Winter School in Drogobych, 1976, 101-126 (in Russian).
  • [30] V. P. Zahariuta, Generalized Mityagin invariants and continuum pairwise nonisomorphic spaces of analytic functions, Funktsional. Anal. i Prilozhen. 11 (3) (1977), 24-30 (in Russian).
  • [31] V. P. Zahariuta, Synthetic diameters and linear topological invariants, in: School on Theory of Operators in Function Spaces (Abstracts of Reports), Minsk, 1978, 51-52 (in Russian).
  • [32] V. P. Zahariuta, Isomorphism of spaces of vector-valued infinitely differentiable functions, in: School on Theory of Operators in Function Spaces (Abstracts of Reports), Minsk, 1982 (in Russian).
  • [33] V. P. Zahariuta, On isomorphic classification of F-spaces, in: Lecture Notes in Math. 1043, Springer, 1984, 34-37.
  • [34] V. P. Zahariuta, Linear topological invariants and their applications to generalized power spaces, manuscript of survey, Rostov State Univ., 1979 (in Russian); revised English version will appear in Turkish J. Math.
  • [35] V. P. Zahariuta, Linear topological invariants and mixed (F,DF)-spaces, Mathematische Forschungsinstitut Oberwolfach, Tagungsbericht 44/1992, Funktionalanalysis (4.10-10.10.1992), 21.

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1991 Mathematics Subject Classification: 46A04, 46A45, 46A11, 46A32.

Identyfikator YADDA





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