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Symmetric function spaces on atomless probability spaces


Rozprawy Matematyczne tom/nr w serii: 306 wydano: 1990




1. Sequences of elements in separable Banach spaces...............................................................8
2. Maharam's theorem.................................................................................................................16
3. Symmetric function spaces......................................................................................................21
4. Bases in nonseparable symmetric spaces...............................................................................28
5. Uncountable unconditional basic sequences and unconditional decompositions....................33
6. Characters of compact Abelian groups....................................................................................40
7. Almost periodic functions.........................................................................................................46
8. Narrow operators.....................................................................................................................53
9. Narrow operators in L_p(μ), 1 < p < ∞.....................................................................................60
10. Rich subspaces.....................................................................................................................70
11. Isomorphic classification of L_p(μ)-spaces............................................................................74

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Rozprawy Matematyczne tom/nr w serii: 306

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Opis fizyczny

Dissertationes Mathematicae, Tom CCCVI




  • Institute of Applied Problems or Mechanics and Mathematics, Naukova 3B, 290053 L'viv, USSR
  • Department of Physics and Mathematics, Zaporozhye State University, Zhukovskogo 66, 330055 Zaporozhye, USSR


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1985 Mathematics Subject Classification: 46E30

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