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Bessel-Clifford third order differential operator and corresponding Laplace type integral transform

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 Abstract: The theory of hyper-Bessel differential operators of arbitrary order m > 1 has been shown to be closely related to the Meijer's G-functions ([9], [10], [18], [20]-[25], [27]). However, most of the operational calculi, integral transforms and solutions to the Bessel type differential equations developed by different authors concern special cases mainly of order m = 2 when the role of these special functions is not evident. Here, we give an example of a third order Bessel type operator and emphasize on the use of the generalized fractional calculus and G-functions. Main attention is paid to the corresponding Laplace-Obrechkoff type integral transform with examples of its applications for solving initial value problems for Bessel-Clifford differential equations of third order.


  • Institute of Mathematics, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, P.O. Box 373, 1090 Sofia, Bulgaria
  • Universidad de Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, Dept. de Matematicas, Gran Canaria, Spain


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