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2013 | 1 | 46-59

Tytuł artykułu

On unitary Cauchy filters on topological monoids

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Języki publikacji



For Hausdorff topological monoids, the concept of a unitary Cauchy net is a generalization of the concept of a fundamental sequence of reals. We consider properties and applications of such nets and of corresponding filters and prove, in particular, that the underlying set of a given monoid, endowed with the family of such filters, forms a Cauchy space whose convergence structure defines a uniform topology. A commutative monoid endowed with the corresponding uniformity is uniform. A distant purpose of the paper is to transfer the classical concepts of a completeness and of a completion into the theory of topological monoids.

Słowa kluczowe


  • Moscow State Forestry University, department of mathematics,
    Moscow, Russian Federation


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