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2013 | 2 | 96-106

Tytuł artykułu

Internal Symmetries and Additional Quantum Numbers for Nanoparticles


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Wavefunctions of symmetrical nanoparticles are considered making use of induced representation method. It is shown that when, at the same total symmetry, the order of local symmetry group decreases, additional quantum numbers are required for complete labelling of electron states. It is shown that the labels of irreducible representations of intermediate subgroups can be used for complete classification of states in the case of repeating IRs in symmetry adapted linear combinations. The intermediate symmetry approach is extended to singlet and triplet two-electron states making use of Mackey theorem on symmetrized squares of induced representations.










  • Kurnakov Institute of General
    and Inorganic Chemistry , 31, Leninsky,
    119991 Moscow, Russia
  • Moscow Institute of Physics and
    Technology, 9, Institutskii per.,141700,
    Dolgoprudny, Moscow Region, Russia


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