Let Δ(x) denote the error term in the Dirichlet divisor problem, and E(T) the error term in the asymptotic formula for the mean square of $$\left| {\varsigma \left( {\tfrac{1}{2} + it} \right)} \right|$$ . If $$E^* \left( t \right) = E\left( t \right) - 2\pi \Delta ^* \left( {t / 2\pi } \right)$$ with $$\Delta ^* \left( x \right) = - \Delta \left( x \right) + 2\Delta \left( {2x} \right) - \tfrac{1}{2}\Delta \left( {4x} \right)$$ , then we obtain $$\int_0^T {\left( {E^* \left( t \right)} \right)^4 dt \ll _e T^{16/9 + \varepsilon } } $$ . We also show how our method of proof yields the bound $$\sum\limits_{r = 1}^R {\left( {\int_{tr - G}^{tr + G} {\left| {\varsigma \left( {\tfrac{1}{2} + it} \right)} \right|^2 dt} } \right)^4 \ll _e T^{2 + e} G^{ - 2} + RG^4 T^\varepsilon } $$ , where T 1/5+ε≤G≪T, T