S. CHEVET, p-ellipsoïdes de $l^{2}$. Mesures cylindriques gaussiennes 439-441 W. WOJTYŃSKI On conditional bases in non-nuclear Fréchet spaces 441 C. BESSAGA, A theorem on complemented subspaces of nuclear spaces 441-442 C. MCCARTHY, Optimal conditioning of operators 442-443 D. PRZEWORSKA-ROLEWICZ, On algebraic derivative 443-444 N. TOMCZAK, A remark (p,q)-absolutely summing operators in $L_{p}$-spaces 444-445 W. MLAK, Decompositions of operator representations of function algebras 445-446 A. PERSSON, p-integral operators 446-447 U. SCHLOTTERBECK, Elementary characterization of operators with absolutely summing adjoint 447 J. SCHMETS, Modulus of prenuclear maps in ordered spaces 447-448 Yu. N. VLADIMIRSKIĬ, On strictly cosingular operators in locally convex spaces 448-449 W. SZLENK, On weakly convergent sequences in Banach spaces 449-450 C. FENSKE, E. SCHOCK, Nuclearity and local convexity of sequence spaces 450-451 N. J. KALTON, The normalization of Schauder bases of locally convex spaces 451 L. GROSS, Nuclear operators and potential theory on Hilbert space 451-452 G. KÖTHE, On the structure of nuclear spaces 452 M. ZERNER, Développement en série de polynômes orthogonaux des fonctions indéfiniment différentiables 453 T. PYTLIK, A nuclear space of functions on a locally compact group 453-454 E. SCHOCK, Montel spaces of Hölder continuous functions 454 D. SKORDEV, Linear operators with sufficiently many a priori given eigenvectors 455-456 N. T. PECK, Some questions concerning support points 456 M. DE WILDE, On the equivalence of weak and Schauder basis 457 W. SZCZYRBA, On differentiability in some class of locally convex spaces 458 G. NEUBAUER, Fredholm links and perturbation theorems 459 N. ARONSZAJN, On finite-dimensional perturbations 459 G. DENNLER, Unbeschränkt teilbare zufällige Elemente in $L^{p}$-Räumen 459 G. DENNLER, Streng unabhängige Distributionen 460 I. DOBRAKOV, A representation theorem for unconditionally converging linear operators on $C_{0}(T,X)$ 460-461 M. L. JONAC, C. SAMUEL, Sur les espaces complementés de C(S) 461-462 Y. KŌMURA, Die Nuklearität der Lösungsräume der partiellen Differentialgleichungen 462-463 M. M. DRAGILEV, On certain topological invariants of Köthe spaces 463 E. M. SEMENOV, Interpolation of linear operators and its applications 463-464 N. POPA, Sur les produits tensoriels ordonnés 465 S. TELEMAN, Representation of finite von Neumann algebras by sheaves 465-466