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Les opérateurs semi-Fredholm sur des espaces de Hilbert non séparables

Authors 1


  1. Bâtiment de Mathématiques M2, Université des Sciences et Technologies de Lille, F-59655 Villeneuve d'Ascq Cedex, France


The aim of this paper is to study the α-semi-Fredholm operators in a nonseparable Hilbert space H for all cardinals α with 0αdimH. In the first part, we find the relation between γα(T) and c(πα(T)) for all 0-regular cardinals α, where γα is the reduced minimum modulus of weight α, c is the reduced minimum modulus (in a C*-algebra) and πα is the canonical surjection from B(H) onto Cα(H)=BHKα(H). We study the continuity points of the maps cα:Tc(πα(T)) and γα:Tγα(T). In the second part, we prove some approximation results for semi-Fredholm operators. We show that all connected components of semi-Fredholm operators of at most countable index have the same topological boundary. We show that this is not true for indices strictly greater than 0.


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