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On the characterization of Hardy-Besov spaces on the dyadic group and its applications

Authors 1


  1. Department of Mathematics, Akita University, Tegata, Akita 010, Japan


C. Watari [12] obtained a simple characterization of Lipschitz classes Lip(p)α(W)(1p,α>0) on the dyadic group using the Lp-modulus of continuity and the best approximation by Walsh polynomials. Onneweer and Weiyi [4] characterized homogeneous Besov spaces Bα_{p,q} on locally compact Vilenkin groups, but there are still some gaps to be filled up. Our purpose is to give the characterization of Besov spaces Bα_{p,q} by oscillations, atoms and others on the dyadic groups. As applications, we show a strong capacity inequality of the type of the Maz'ya inequality, a weak type estimate for maximal Cesàro means and a sufficient condition of absolute convergence of Walsh-Fourier series.


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Exact and natural sciences