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Some results on semi-total signed graphs

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  1. Centre for Mathematical Sciences, Banasthali University, Banasthali-304022, Rajasthan, India


A signed graph (or sigraph in short) is an ordered pair S=(Su,σ), where Su is a graph G = (V,E), called the underlying graph of S and σ:E → {+, -} is a function from the edge set E of Su into the set {+,-}, called the signature of S. The ×-line sigraph of S denoted by L×(S) is a sigraph defined on the line graph L(Su) of the graph Su by assigning to each edge ef of L(Su), the product of signs of the adjacent edges e and f in S. In this paper, first we define semi-total line sigraph and semi-total point sigraph of a given sigraph and then characterize balance and consistency of semi-total line sigraph and semi-total point sigraph.


sigraph, semi-total line sigraph, semi-total point sigraph, balanced sigraph, consistent sigraph


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