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The signed matchings in graphs
Authors 1
- Department of Mathematics, Ryerson University, Toronto, ON, Canada, M5B 2K3
Let G be a graph with vertex set V(G) and edge set E(G). A signed matching is a function x: E(G) → {-1,1} satisfying for every v ∈ V(G), where . The maximum of the values of , taken over all signed matchings x, is called the signed matching number and is denoted by β'₁(G). In this paper, we study the complexity of the maximum signed matching problem. We show that a maximum signed matching can be found in strongly polynomial-time. We present sharp upper and lower bounds on β'₁(G) for general graphs. We investigate the sum of maximum size of signed matchings and minimum size of signed 1-edge covers. We disprove the existence of an analogue of Gallai's theorem. Exact values of β'₁(G) of several classes of graphs are found.
signed matching, signed matching number, maximum signed matching, signed edge cover, signed edge cover number, strongly polynomial-time
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