ArticleOriginal scientific text


T-Varieties and Clones of T-terms

Authors 1, 2


  1. University of Potsdam, Institute of Mathematics, Am Neuen Palais, 14415 Potsdam, Germany
  2. KhonKaen University, Department of Mathematics, KhonKaen, 40002 Thailand


The aim of this paper is to describe how varieties of algebras of type τ can be classified by using the form of the terms which build the (defining) identities of the variety. There are several possibilities to do so. In [3], [19], [15] normal identities were considered, i.e. identities which have the form x ≈ x or s ≈ t, where s and t contain at least one operation symbol. This was generalized in [14] to k-normal identities and in [4] to P-compatible identities. More generally, we select a subset T of Wτ(X), the set of all terms of type τ, and consider identities from T×T. Since any variety can be described by one heterogenous algebra, its clone, we are also interested in the corresponding clone-like structure. Identities of the clone of a variety V correspond to M-hyperidentities for certain monoids M of hypersubstitutions. Therefore we will also investigate these monoids and the corresponding M-hyperidentities.


T-quasi constant algebra, T-identity, j-ideal, T-hyperidentity, clone of T-terms


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Exact and natural sciences