ArticleOriginal scientific text
Localization in semicommutative (m,n)-rings
Authors 1, 2
- Institut Girard Desargues, bat. 101, Université Lyon 1, 43 bd du 11 Novembre 1918, F-69622 Villeurbanne, France
- North University of Baia Mare, Victoriei 76, 4800 Baia Mare, Romania
We give a construction for (m,n)-rings of quotients of a semicommutative (m,n)-ring, which generalizes the ones given by Crombez and Timm and by Paunić for the commutative case. We also study various constructions involving reduced rings and rings of quotients and give some functorial interpretations.
(m,n)-rings, semicommutative (m,n)-rings, (m,n)-rings of quotients, (m,n)-division rings, (m,n)-semidomains, n-groups, n-semigroups
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