ArticleOriginal scientific text
Variational inequalities in noncompact nonconvex regions
Authors 1, 2
- Center for General Education, National Taipei University of Technology, Taipei, Taiwan, Republic of China
- Department of Mathematics, National Taiwan Normal University, Taipei, Taiwan, Republic of China
In this paper, a general existence theorem on the generalized variational inequality problem GVI(T,C,ϕ) is derived by using our new versions of Nikaidô's coincidence theorem, for the case where the region C is noncompact and nonconvex, but merely is a nearly convex set. Equipped with a kind of V₀-Karamardian condition, this general existence theorem contains some existing ones as special cases. Based on a Saigal condition, we also modify the main theorem to obtain another existence theorem on GVI(T,C,ϕ), which generalizes a result of Fang and Peterson.
Nikaidô's coincidence theorem, variational inequality, nearly convex, V₀-Karamardian condition, Saigal condition, acyclic multifunction, algebraic interior, bounding points
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