Let χ(m,n) be the unconditional basis constant of the monomial basis $z^{α}$, α ∈ ℕ₀ⁿ with |α| = m, of the Banach space of all m-homogeneous polynomials in n complex variables, endowed with the supremum norm on the n-dimensional unit polydisc 𝔻ⁿ. We prove that the quotient of $sup_{m} \sqrt[m]{sup_{m} χ(m,n)}$ and √(n/log n) tends to 1 as n → ∞. This reflects a quite precise dependence of χ(m,n) on the degree m of the polynomials and their number n of variables. Moreover, we give an analogous formula for m-linear forms, a reformulation of our results in terms of tensor products, and as an application a solution for a problem on Bohr radii.