For a locally compact Hausdorff space K and a Banach space X let C₀(K, X) denote the space of all continuous functions f:K → X which vanish at infinity, equipped with the supremum norm. If X is the scalar field, we denote C₀(K, X) simply by C₀(K). We prove that for locally compact Hausdorff spaces K and L and for a Banach space X containing no copy of c₀, if there is an isomorphic embedding of C₀(K) into C₀(L,X), then either K is finite or |K| ≤ |L|. As a consequence, if there is an isomorphic embedding of C₀(K) into C₀(L,X) where X contains no copy of c₀ and L is scattered, then K must be scattered.